Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ng Sum Kwai

During the Ming Dynasty in ancient China, a Ming general by the name of Ng Sum Kwai betrayed the Cinese people and his government by opening the gate to the city he was charged to defend.

The city being in a strategic location fell and with it the Manchu armies were able to strike into the heart of China and China fell to the Manchus who then establish the Ching Dynasty.

This Ng Sum Kwai is now known as a traitor who sold his people and country to the barbarians for wealth and riches and his name is now use to describe a traitor.

Chinese now spit at his name.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We have a modern version of Ng Sum Kwai today....

Interesting that my father was educating us about China's history of traitors today at dinner time.